disaster supply kit emergency phone battery

Your disaster supply kit: Food, water, an emergency phone battery and more

disaster supply kit emergency phone battery

The summer storm season is well underway and for the most unfortunate of us, emergency travel can occur.

The summer comes with a great deal of family vacation travel, but its severe weather can also lead to emergency travel for victims of its wrath. It is for that reason that a proper disaster supply kit including everything from food and water to an emergency phone battery is recommended for everyone.

Regardless of the emergency Mother Nature can bring, there are certain basics that are typically required.

Everyone, no matter where they live, can benefit from a properly assembled disaster supply kit. In this way, regardless of whether they must stay home in an emergency or whether they must be evacuated, they will have the basics they need. We should all accept that we are not immune to the risk of tropical storms, hurricanes, sudden downpours with flash flooding, forest fires or earthquakes.

Though we cannot live every day worrying that we could be affected by these risks, there is no harm in a certain level of preparation, such as adding an emergency phone battery pack, non perishable food and an appropriate amount of clean water to a disaster preparedness kit.

An emergency phone battery pack is often overlooked, but being able to recharge batteries in a blackout is exceptionally useful.

Aside from a backup battery pack, it’s also wise to keep all vehicle gas tanks regularly topped up as an emergency could easily stop gas pumps from working or could drain the ones that are functioning. Letting a vehicle run low on gas isn’t good for the vehicle and it could put you at risk if you are required to travel during an evacuation.

Other supplies you will want to keep in your disaster supply kit include: one gallon per person per day of clean water (for both drinking and sanitation), at least three days’ worth of food per person as well as a can opener, a battery powered radio, a flashlight, spare batteries for all battery-powered devices, a first aid kit, a whistle, baby formula and diapers if the family includes an infant, garbage bags, moist towelettes and plastic ties, dust masks in case air needs filtering from smoke or dust, duct tape and a tarp, pliers and a wrench to turn off utility accesses.

Beyond the basics and your emergency phone battery pack, you may also want to have clothing and bedding basics, cash, matches, paper and a pencil, a photocopy of important documents and identification and supplies for all of your pets for at least three days.