business power bank external battery charger smartphone mistakes

You’re making these smartphone mistakes while on the job

business power bank external battery charger smartphone mistakes

The odds are that you bring your mobile devices to work, and you’re likely using them wrong while you do.

There are a number of different forms of etiquette that have to be kept in mind while you’re at work, and now that cell phones are essentially ubiquitous, many people are making some serious smartphone mistakes while on the job, and it can cause some uncomfortable moments, bad impressions, and other unpleasantness of which they may be entirely unaware.

Are you making some of these common smartphone use errors at work?

The following are some of the most commonly made smartphone mistakes in terms of workplace etiquette. It’s important to check them out and know whether or not you’re making them so that you can correct them and stop frustrating the people around you. It may not seem like much, but it can make a considerable difference in what people think of you, and it may be keeping you from reaching a greater potential on the job. Want that raise or promotion? You might want to kick these nasty habits, first.

Smartphone mistakes at work can be as bad as getting caught stealing someone else’s lunch from the fridge or chewing gum during meetings.

Stop these habits before they stop you!

• Keeping your phone out and visible – while this is fine if you’re alone, when someone else is in your office, tuck it away and put it on vibrate. Even if you’re not using it, simply leaving it where it can be seen sends a message to the other person that they have your attention only until the device goes off, and that you give higher priority to the phone.
• Checking your phone during meetings – this is in especially poor taste in a client meeting. No non-urgent calls, texts, or other communications should take your attention away from a client. Put mobile devices away and don’t touch them again until the meeting is over. The only exception occurs when an emergency call is expected.
• Setting your phone on the table at a business lunch/dinner – your friends and family members probably don’t like seeing your cell phone on the table at a meal, but when it comes to business meals, it is typically considered to be flat-out rude. Studies have shown that even if the device is turned off, its presence is still considered to be offensive at restaurants and dinner tables for business meetings.
• Letting your battery run out – when customers, clients, co-workers, and supervisors need to contact you, a dead battery is no excuse for being unreachable. This is one of the biggest smartphone mistakes that people make at work. Consider a good quality backup battery pack to be an important investment into your career.

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